Hellgate Mineral Society
A social & educational organization founded in 1959 out of Missoula, Montana, for those interested in rocks, gems, minerals and fossils.Membership Information
Membership is open to all individuals who enjoy rocks, gems, minerals and fossils. Our members have the chance to learn through presentations and from one another. There are learning opportunities available in faceting, cabbing, silversmithing, jewelry making, mine history, specimen collection and geology.
Our Meetings
Meetings are held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. In June, July and August, we only meet on the second Thursday of the month.
Our meetings are held at the First Christian Church, 2701 South Russell Street, in Missoula, and begin at 7:00 PM. The church is located on the west side of Russell Street, across from the Fairgrounds.
Our business meeting is held on the second Thursday of the month.
The fourth Thursday is our social meeting, which often includes a presentation or a speaker. The subjects vary and may be educational or entertaining.
A silent auction is held during our meetings. This is a great chance for members to find new treasures.
Please contact us via one of the following methods to request additional information or to comment:
General club information: info@hellgatemineralsociety.org
Membership applications and fees: treasurer@hellgatemineralsociety.org
Field trips: fieldtrips@hellgatemineralsociety.org
Newsletter: newsletter@hellgatemineralsociety.org
Follow us at: Facebook.com/HellgateMineralSociety
Snail-mail us at:
Hellgate Mineral Society
PO Box 3015
Missoula, MT 59806
Be sure to include your name and phone number if you want us to call you back.